Hey there!

I'm Angelo Constantino

I’m a multi-disciplinary designer currently based in Los Angeles. Originally from Toronto, I’m a creative thinker who likes to pull things apart and find out why they’re made the way that they are. I’m also predisposed to be nice - it’s just the Canadian in me.

Where I've been

For a little while, I’ve been working as a multi-disciplinary designer in Toronto but I’ve been more passionate about UX and UI for a long time. I’ve been trying to move down this path through personal projects, online learning, and going to design events whenever I can.

I’m a YSDN (York University/Sheridan College Design Program) alum, and have a great love for our small but wide-reaching community. If you’re interested in getting to know more about me and what I can do, shoot me an email!


What I can do

Print Design
Web Design
User Experience Design
User Interface Design
Motion Graphics
Production Design

What I use

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Premiere
Adobe XD
Marvel App

What I can do

User Experience Design
User Interface Design
Print Design
Web Design
Motion Graphics
Production Design

What I use

Adobe XD
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Premiere

Want to get in touch?
Hit me up!

I'm always up for meeting new people, whether it's over a cup of coffee, tea, or a pint of beer. If you're curious as to what my day to day looks like, follow me on instagram and keep an eye out on my story :)

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